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New Nation Virginia Migration, Slavery and Indians

We look at the social history of the New Nation from perspectives of Virginia migration among whites and blacks in “Bound Away”. A structural analysis of the Constitution and its pro-slavery uses by Courts and Congresses in the New Nation is considered in “Slavery and the Founders”. “Plowshares into Swords” looks at the development of...

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Open post New Nation - illustration

Thomas Jefferson’s New Nation

The New Nation was defined by Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and the political party he built occupying the White House for 24 continuous years of the Constitution’s first 36 years. “Jefferson’s America” gives us a political survey from 1760 to 1815, now in its third edition. The transformations both democratic and commercial are conveyed in “The...

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Open post Virginia's New Nation - Old Dominion and New Nation- cover

Virginia’s New Nation history

We begin our survey of Virginia’s early New Nation history with two surveys of the Federalist Era, “The Old Dominion and the New Nation” and “Chesapeake Politics”. The last two relate to the bulwarks of provincial establishment in county governments , “Faithful Magistrates and Republican Lawyers” and “Juries and Judges versus the Law”. For book...

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Open post Federalist Era - Adams vs. Jefferson - cover

Federalist Era in New Nation Virginia

We begin our look at the Federalist Era in New Nation Virginia with a national look at politics through the two Federalist presidents, George Washington and John Adams in “Presidency of George Washington” and “First Presidential Contest: 1796” for Adams’ election. The development of political parties that were in Revolutionary theory the death knell of...

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Open post Religion in Revolutionary Virginia - Faiths of the Founding Fathers - cover

Religion in Revolutionary Virginia

In our third look at social history in this series, we examine five books addressing religion in Revolutionary Virginia. “Founders on God and Government” shows how religious beliefs influenced views of the republic. “Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion assesses the transformation of Virginia and other colonies from Christian commonwealths to secular republican governance....

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Open post African American Virginia history "Forced Founders" cover

American Revolution in Virginia’s African American history

In our next social history look at the American Revolution in Virginia, we feature four books on African American history. “Slavery and Freedom” investigates the results of the Revolution on slave and free black families in the Chesapeake and elsewhere and the development of autonomous black communities. “Water from the Rock” describes the social and military...

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Open post American Revolution in Virginia Women's Studies

American Revolution in Virginia, Women’s Studies

In our three blogs on the American Revolution in Virginia social history, we turn first to women’s studies, then African American and lastly religious history. In “Revolutionary Mothers” we see the participation of women in the Revolution with the concepts of women’s studies. “Women of the Republic” focuses on the political, while “Liberty’s Daughters” focuses...

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