Open post Colonial Virginia - Breaking the Backcountry - cover

Frontier and Imperial Virginia 1730-1763

We return to Late Colonial history with Frontier and Imperial Virginia 1730-1763 that ends with the conclusion of the French and Indian War. “In the Absence of Towns” looks at the frontier of piedmont Southside Virginia. “Gentry and Commonfolk” consider the class relations on the Virginia frontier from 1730 through the Revolution. “Diversity and Accommodation”...

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Open post Colonial Virginia - Tobacco and Slaves - cover

Tobacco with Slaves in Late Colonial Virginia

We begin our look at the cultivation of tobacco with slaves in Late Colonial Virginia by focusing on the transition from the white indentured cash crop labor force to the hereditary African-descent cultivation of tobacco. “Tobacco and Slaves” studies the formation of the slave-plantation society in the Chesapeake, “Motives of Honor, Pleasure & Profit” explains...

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Open post Colonial Virginia - Tales from a Revolution - cover

The Royal Colony in 1600s Virginia

Our second look at the royal colony in 1600s Virginia begins with a look at how the English immigrants in the Chesapeake built their society. “Adapting to a New World” describes the English overseas, “Ann Orthwood’s Bastard” shows how English customary and common law was modified for producer-planter interests, and “The Formation of a Society”...

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Open post Powhatan - Before and After Jamestown - cover

Powhatan in Virginia (Tsenacomacoh)

In our first revisit to Early Colonial era 1600-1763, we begin with Powhatan in Virginia part one. The “Powhatan Landscape” describes what would become Virginia from 500 B.C.E. to the early 1600s. “Commoners, Tribute and Chiefs” explains the Algonquin civilization focusing on the Potomac Valley Chicagoan tribe. “Nature and History in the Potomac Country” looks...

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Open post New Dominion - Crabgrass Frontier - cover

New Dominion in Virginia part two

In the New Dominion Virginia 1970-present part two, we look at four ways the Virginia cultural landscape changed, with the G.I. Bill in “Soldiers to Citizens”, with the growth of suburbia in “Crabgrass Frontier”, with regionalizing by automobile and trucks in “Divided Highways”, and state resource management with “The Oyster Question”. Modern social history is...

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Open post New Dominion Virginia - Dynamic Dominion - cover

New Dominion in Virginia 1970 to present

We begin our look at the New Dominion in Virginia, 1970-present looking at an overview of politics, society and economy in “The New South, 1945-1980”. “The Dynamic Dominion” describing party realignment and the emergence of a two-party system over the same period, and “Virginia in the Vanguard” brings the story forward 1981-2000. The grassroots foundation...

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Open post Civil Rights - We Face the Dawn - cover

Civil Rights in Virginia part two

Civil Rights in Virginia part two features the courts and the Virginians contributing to the civil rights litigation. We begin with an overview, “Making Civil Rights Law” describing the centrality of the NAACPs Legal Defense Fund. “From Jim Crow to Civil Rights” traces Supreme Court Cases from 1900 to 1954 on racial matters that set...

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