Open post Antebellum - Masterless Men - cover

New Nation and Antebellum Eras – Spring 2018

In this Virginia History Blog, we present a digest of five reviews related to Virginia in both the New Nation and Antebellum periods. Particularly New Nation time frame are “The Framer’s Coup” in making the Constitution, and “Ties That Bound”. Three journals recently reviewed “Ties That Bound” concerning First Ladies and slaves, and two books...

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Open post Revolution - Almost a Miracle -cover

The Revolution Politically, Socially and Soldiering

For this Memorial Day, the Virginia History Blog looks at five titles about the American Revolution. “A Leap in the Dark” addresses the challenges of political leadership. “Almost a Miracle” is a military history of the Revolution, and “George Washington’s Enforcers” explains Continental Army justice and discipline. Considerations of political and social history are explored...

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Open post New Nation - Jefferson The Art of Power - cover

Thomas Jefferson Governance and Legacy

In this Virginia History Blog we look at at Thomas Jefferson, his presidential governance and his historical legacy. “Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power” is a popular account of Jefferson’s use of power in political office. “Jefferson’s Vendetta” describes the prosecution of Aaron Burr for treason during Jefferson’s second administration. “Mr. Jefferson’s Hammer” describes William...

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Open post New Nation - Twilight at Monticello - cover

Thomas Jefferson: Thought, Family and Education

This Virginia History Blog reviews four titles concerning Thomas Jefferson. “The Mind of Thomas Jefferson” investigates Jefferson’s thinking in historical context. “Mr. Jefferson’s Women” accounts for the romances throughout his life. “Twilight at Monticello” describes Jefferson, his family and slaves during the last fifteen years of his life. “Thomas Jefferson’s Military Academy” looks at West...

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Open post Revolution - General George Washington - cover

George Washington as soldier, husband and host

In this Virginia History Blog we look at five titles related to George Washington and his wife, Martha Washington. “General George Washington” examines Washington’s military career, and “The Glorious Struggle” focuses on his correspondence during his command of the Continental Army in the Revolution. “Washington’s God” looks at Washington’s personal faith practice, his theology and...

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Open post Revolution - American Creation - cover

Founders, merchants and backcountry

This Virginia History Blog recaps five titles on the Founders, merchants and backcountry Virginia. “American Creation” is a top-down political survey of Revolution and Constitution eras. “George Mason, Forgotten Founder” is a biography of the Virginian Founder. “Buying into the World of Goods” explains the development of a marketing economy in Bedford and Franklin County...

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Open post Revolution - George Washington Nationalist - cover

Revolutionary Virginia – Spring 2018 Journals

In this Virginia History Blog on Revolutionary Virginia, we look at recent reviews beginning with “Patrick Henry: Proclaiming a Revolution” which features his oratory. George Washington is treated in two titles, “George Washington, Nationalist” focuses on Washington’s thirteen year career at the formation of the Union, while “George Washington, Wonder of the Age” surveys his...

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Open post Colonial - First Way of War - cover

Colonial Indian and Civil Wars

This Virginia History Blog assembles four reviews related to Early and Late Colonial Virginia warfare, both English colonial civil war and Anglo-Amerindian conflicts. For those interested in reading more deeply into mid-1600s Virginia, beyond the previously reviewed Sir William Berkeley and the Forging of Colonial Virginia by Warren M. Billings which was one of our...

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Open post Colonial - White People, Indians and Highlanders - cover

Early Colonial Cultures in Virginia

This Virginia History Blog introduces Early Colonial Cultures in Virginia by featuring two titles relating the cultural and political interactions of settlers and Algonquin tribes near and far, “Brothers among Nations” and “White People, Indians and Highlanders”. The infrastructure of early settlement is examined in two titles, “Backcountry Towns of Colonial Virginia” and “Courthouses of...

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Open post Colonial Era - Deadly Politics of Giving - cover

Early Colonial Contact and Culture in Virginia

The Virginia History Blog today looks at Early Colonial contact and culture Virginia through the reviews of five titles. “A Briefe and True Report” is a facsimile of a 1590 Latin edition with English translation and illustrated contemporary lithographs, reporting initial contact with native Algonquins, plants and animals found in the Chesapeake region. “Deadly Politics...

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