Open post Civil War Era memory - Diehard Rebels - cover

Civil War Era memory

In this five-part review of Civil War Era literature at the Virginia History Blog, we will take a look at period topics in politics, war commands, home front, economy, slavery and memory. Turning to memory, we begin with “Diehard Rebels” describing the outlook and later influence of soldiers defending the Confederacy to the end. “Burying...

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Open post Civil War Era slavery - Bitter Fruits of Bondage - cover

Civil War Era slavery

In this five-part review of Civil War Era literature at the Virginia History Blog, we will take a look at period topics in politics, war commands, home front, economy, slavery and memory. Turning to slavery, we begin with “The Mind of the Master Class” describing the worldview of slave holders. “The Sounds of Slavery” treats...

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Open post Civil War Era economy - Nations, Markets and War - cover

Civil War economy

In this five-part review of Civil War Era literature at the Virginia History Blog, we will take a look at period topics in politics, war commands, home front, economy, slavery and memory. Turning to the economy, we begin with titles related to plantations and slavery, the emerging market economy, and the industrialization in Virginia that...

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Open post Civil War - Crucible of the Civil War - cover

Civil War Era Politics

In this five-part review of Civil War Era literature at the Virginia History Blog, we will take a look at period topics in politics, war commands, home front, economy, slavery and memory. Turning to politics, “Crucible of the Civil War” is a series of essays looking at the Virginia experience from secession through post-war commemorations....

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Open post Civil War - Religious Life of Robert E. Lee - cover

Civil War Era – Spring 2018

In this Virginia History Blog, we look at recent journal reviews concerning the Civil War Era. The commander featured is Robert E. Lee in “The Religious Life of Robert E. Lee”. Combat is represented in “The First Republican Army” about the western Virginia politically motivated Federal army, and “The Guerrilla Hunters” treating the Confederate Ranger...

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Open post Proslavery and Sectional Thought -cover

New Nation and Antebellum Virginia

In this Virginia History Blog, we feature four titles related to New Nation and Antebellum Virginia. “Jefferson and the Press” charts the professionalism and partisanship of period newspapers, “Murder at Montpelier” documents the introduction and persistence of Igbo culture among the Piedmont’s African-Virginians. “Proslavery and Sectional Thought” explains the development of organic social theory in...

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