Open post Antebellum Civil War literature and thought - Normans and Saxons - cover

Antebellum Literature and Thought, 2009-11

In this Virginia History Blog on five titles related to Antebellum literature and thought, we begin by looking at “The Origins of Proslavery Christianity” that documents developments among Virginia’s white and black evangelicals from colonial times into the antebellum period. “Religion and the Making of Nat Turner’s Virginia” develops the conflicts within its white and...

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Open post Civil War - On to Petersburg - cover

Civil War, Summer 2018

In this Virginia History Blog on four Civil War titles, we review “On to Petersburg” about the Overland Campaign in Virginia, “Midnight in America” concerning soldiers dreams and their interpretations, “Sex and the Civil War” on the introduction of pornography to the army and its opposition, and “Stepdaughters of History” about Southern women who were...

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Open post Antebellum Civil War - Luxurious Citizens - cover

Antebellum Civil War, Summer 2018

In this Virginia History Blog, we look at five titles on the Antebellum Civil War Era. “A Nation Without Borders” studies the international setting in an age of 19th century civil wars. “Luxurious Citizens” addresses the politics of consumption in the 1800s. “Owning Ideas” considers the development of intellectual property. Before “Dred Scott” analyzes American...

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Open post New Nation diplomacy and war - Revolutionary Negotiations - cover

New Nation Diplomacy and War, 2009-11

In this Virginia History Blog on New Nation Diplomacy and War, two titles are about diplomacy. “Revolutionary Negotiations” traces American diplomacy relating to the European Westphalia system from the Continental Congress through the “Jackson Doctrine” to the Monroe Doctrine. “Borderlines and Borderlands” addresses Madison’s belief that the law of nations entitled the U.S. to acquire...

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Open post New Nation Era - Ratification - cover

New Nation Era, 2009-11

In this Virginia History Blog, we look at two titles relating to citizenship and constitution making, a legal history, and two biographies of early antislavery Virginians. “The Citizen Revolution” shows the change from “subjects” to “citizens. “Ratification” describes the debates set before the public in the state Federal Conventions. “Aggressive Nationalism” shows economic policy of...

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Open post Thomas Jefferson and women - Women Jefferson Loved - cover

Thomas Jefferson and Women, 2009-11

In this Virginia History Blog, we look at titles related to Thomas Jefferson and women. “Seeing Jefferson Anew” investigates Jefferson socially, ideologically, politically and historiographically. “The Women Jefferson Loved” describes Jefferson’s mother, sisters, wife, daughters, mistress and granddaughters. “The Hemmingses of Monticello” narrates the remarkable continuity of a Jefferson slave family over three generations of...

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Open post Thomas Jefferson biography - Road to Monticello - cover

Thomas Jefferson Biography, 2009-11

This Virginia History Blog considers three titles of Thomas Jefferson Biography. “The Road to Monticello” is an intellectual history of Jefferson’s connections to American philosophy, literature and education. “Flight from Monticello” is set during Jefferson’s governorship in the Revolution. “The Jeffersons at Shadwell” is a two-generational study of their Piedmont plantation. The Road to Monticello...

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