This website includes Virginia’s diversity and contradictions across four centuries in all its communities. It is for all Virginians, anyone who calls the Commonwealth their home.
I. The visitor here gains Virginia history expertise, authority, and insight to motivate them in their personal goals in school, hobbies, and professional life.
II. You will extend your intellectual and social connections to past lives and present associations to build meaningful bonds of affiliation.
III. You will develop an understanding and empathy that informs and enhances your appreciation of historical entertainment in movies, historical sites and museum interpretations.
The sense of community comes from a shared, mutually-acknowledged identity. An awareness of Virginia history allows its all its resident citizens to form a political community to advance shared goals. I mean to be a part of that process on this website.
IV. Academically, The Virginia Historian keeps you abreast of scholarly histories (Blog). It is also can serve as a research tool for any Virginia historian or student of Virginia history (Research Guides).
V. About the owner-operator-author. For an elaborated discussion of my worldview of what that community should be like, see First Principles, World View, and Author’s Biography . TVH is an author’s platform, see the Writing Projects under Virginia History Books tab on Virginia Constitutional Conventions, and Virginia US Senators. I am also keenly interested in Adult Literacy. I believe reading is key to living an independent life in modern society with access to opportunity. I welcome any and all correspondence. You can reach me through the Contacts page.
See Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Disclaimers for technical dimensions of using this website. You may copy anything here for your own personal use or for educational purposes as a classroom instructor, with attribution to TheVirginiaHistorian.com.