Open post Civil War Era economy - Nations, Markets and War - cover

Civil War economy

In this five-part review of Civil War Era literature at the Virginia History Blog, we will take a look at period topics in politics, war commands, home front, economy, slavery and memory. Turning to the economy, we begin with titles related to plantations and slavery, the emerging market economy, and the industrialization in Virginia that...

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Open post Secession Crisis illustration

Secession Comes to Virginia part one

We begin our survey of Secession comes to Virginia with three books related to the American mind as the crisis of secession and civil war approached. “The Slave Power” describes Southern state domination of U.S. national government first in the Congressional Caucus system, and then in the Second Party System of nominating conventions and nationalized...

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Open post

Jacksonian Antebellum Virginia part one

We begin our first of two blogs on Jacksonian Antebellum Virginia political history in the years 1810-1850 by first looking at “Sectionalism in Virginia” east and west, “Intellectual Life in the American South” with important Virginia contributions, and “The Second American Party System” explaining the growth of political parties in the states rather than Congressional...

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