Open post Antebellum Virginia - The Quarters and the Fields - cover

Slave State Virginia

We begin our look at titles about antebellum Virginia as a slave state 1824-1860 with two studies of slave rebellion. “Whispers of Rebellion” explores the slave agency in the 1800 Gabriel Conspiracy, and “”The Land Shall be Deluged in Blood” describes the 1830 Nat Turner Rebellion and its aftermath. We continue our antebellum Virginia reviews...

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Religion in New Nation Virginia

Looking again at religion in New Nation Virginia, “Wellspring of Liberty” explores the role of religious dissenters in the American Revolution and their subsequent efforts to secure religious liberty in the New Nation period. “Establishing Religious Freedom” in Virginia traces the evolution from dissenter toleration to religious freedom of conscience. “Bodies of Belief” compares and...

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Open post Colonial Virginia - Prodigy Houses - cover

Life in 1700s Virginia

Life in 1700s Virginia is explained by two of the four British folkways transmitted in major immigration streams that established persistent cultural expressions even with subsequent settlements in “Albion’s Seed”. Life in the Church of England parish in colonial Virginia is described in “A Blessed Company, and the religious practices of the gentry are explained...

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Open post Religion in Revolutionary Virginia - Faiths of the Founding Fathers - cover

Religion in Revolutionary Virginia

In our third look at social history in this series, we examine five books addressing religion in Revolutionary Virginia. “Founders on God and Government” shows how religious beliefs influenced views of the republic. “Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion assesses the transformation of Virginia and other colonies from Christian commonwealths to secular republican governance....

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