Open post line drawing of civilians during the civil war

Civil War Home Front Virginia

For those interested in the political and social history of Civil War home front Virginia, four books are recommended. Unionists, Secessionists, free blacks and slaves are studied in “Old Southampton”, from the sectional crisis through the conflict and into Reconstruction. The black Virginian experience in the Civil War, whether slave or free, for blue or...

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Open post Ratification - the people debate - cover

Virginia’s “Federal” or “Ratifying” Convention

Three important books survey the U.S. Constitution’s ratification process for Virginia historians. “The Fate of the Revolution: Virginians Debate the Constitution” is a 204 page book which conveys the immediate contingency of a patriot-founder generation aroused and consumed by the question of nationhood and governance for their posterity. The issues resonate to this day. “Ratification:...

"Virginia’s “Federal” or “Ratifying” Convention"Continue reading

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